5 Effective Home Remedies for Dealing with Fungus Gnats

5 Effective Home Remedies for Dealing with Fungus Gnats

Fungus gnats are those tiny, pesky flying insects that seemingly come out of nowhere to torment us in our homes, particularly around plants.

While they represent no direct threat to humans, they can become pests in a big way for plant people.

Thankfully, there are plenty of simple and natural remedies you can try to keep fungus gnats away from your precious plants – no harsh chemicals necessary.

Here are five easy at-home remedies to rid yourself of fungus gnats.

1. Neem Oil

Neem oil is an organic insecticide that’s made from the seeds of the neem tree. It messes with the bug’s life cycle, so to speak, and can repel fungus gnats too.

Mix a couple of drops of neem oil into your spray bottle of water and spritz it directly into the soil of your infested plants.

Repeat every two or three days until they are gone.

2. Sticky Traps

Sticky traps are another simple method for capturing adult fungus gnats; they consist of yellow or blue sticky paper that attracts the insects and ensnares them once they touch the paper.

Place the sticky traps around the area of the plants that contain the infestation, near the surface of the soil, so that flying gnats can land on the traps.

Replace the traps often, until you no longer find gnats on them.

3. Cinnamon Powder

While cinnamon powder adds flavour to a dish, it also acts as a natural fungicide and insect repellant.

Sprinkling cinnamon powder onto the top layer of soil will help to deter fungus gnats from laying eggs and will prevent fungus gnat larvae from surfacing.

Cinnamon’s high level of antimicrobial activity will also help combat any mildew or fungal growth in the soil.

4. *Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous earth is a very fine powder formed from sedimentary rock containing the fossilized remains of the single-celled algae diatoms.

It kills by literally abrading the insect’s exoskeleton, causing it to dehydrate and die.

Sprinkle diatomaceous earth in a thin layer on the soil surface around your plants to kill fungus gnat larvae, and prevent them developing into adults.

5. Hydrogen Peroxide Solution

Hydrogen peroxide is an antiseptic and also kills fungus gnats and larvae. Mix one part to four parts with water and feed it to your plants.

The hydrogen peroxide will kill larvae in the soil as well as help aerate it, which will lead to better drainage and avoid this problem in the future.

And that's it! No harsh chemicals, expensive magic, or risky methods.

You can now rest assured that fungus gnats won't be a problem in your home for a long time, and you've even learned how to prevent them next time.

Which of these five simple and natural ways was most helpful for you? Which one seemed the easiest?

Try to be consistent and make your home a fungus gnat-free zone for your beloved plants. Just be patient. It might take some time.

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