Is Rainwater Good For Your Plants?

Indoor plants can benefit immensely from rain water. Before the concept of “indoor plants,” all of our green companions thrived in nature. Let’s discuss some benefits that your plants can reap from one of natures most treasured elements.

Firstly, rainwater is extremely nutrient rich. Out of the various nutrients that plants need to survive, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are the most essential.

Nitrogen helps the plants produce lush green foliage and boosts the speed of plant growth.

Without nitrogen plants can’t create chlorophyll and without chlorophyll they can’t photosynthesis properly.

Phosphorus is crucial for healthy root development. It is also extremely important for flowers and vegetables.

Plants with inadequate phosphorus will produce unhealthy flowers and fruits/vegetables with short shelf life.

Potassium helps plants become more resistant to temperature fluctuations, drought, and diseases they may encounter.

Additionally, it aides in the movement of water and sugars throughout the plant. If a plant struggles to move food and water through its vascular system, you’re going to notice stunted growth and dying leaves.

The second benefit of watering your plant with rainwater is the PH balance. Most plants thrive with ranges of PH between 5.6-7.0. Rainwater falls perfectly into this range.

When we use tap water for our plants, we run the risk of throwing off the PH balance of the soil which can have negative effects on nutrient uptake from the soil and overall plant health.

The PH balance of tap water can vary greatly depending where you live geographically. Chemicals that are used to make our water ideal for drinking can be harmful for our green friends. Since rainwater doesn’t contain any chemicals like chlorine, it is the best option for hydration for your plants.

The next reason plants rainwater is great for your plant is because it helps reserve natural resources. If we can reduce the demand for treated water simply by harnessing a natural resource, why not do so. You can take advantage of rainy days by either putting your plants outside to soak it in, or capturing water in a bucket or other type of container and then using it in your plants. Either way, you’re doing your part. Look at you, you little superhero!

The final reason for utilizing rainwater is for the cost savings. Think about it, you can lower your water bill, avoid purchasing fertilizers, and decrease the frequency at which you have to switch your soil all by using rainwater. I live in Arizona where it is dry as hell so I rarely get to reap these benefits….but if you live somewhere that actually rains frequently you’ll could really see the impact on your wallet.

It may not be much if you only have a few plants, but if you’re home is turning into a jungle like ours, the savings of water for 200 plants monthly can quickly add up.

Your plants will thank you for using the type of water they prefer, rather than the type of water we prefer. Rainwater is nutritious, cost effective, eco friendly, and free from additives. What more could you ask for. Give your plants some rainwater yesterday and see for yourself how it positively impacts their overall health!

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  • TxeFfrLoRYhutNJ


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